26th April, 2018

Seventh meeting 2018


Today’s meeting was awesome! The members started the activities after completing the warm-up exercises. First of all, assigned the members to sit in the chair but only one person did not have an empty chair. The member who does not have a chair needs to go to the chair as soon as possible and sit down quickly. Those who are sitting must stop the person standing in the chair. This game is for members to develop a quick thinking skill. Then, the members finds a partner, one to sit and one to stand. The person sitting is called “wife” and the person standing is called “husband”. One member does not have a “wife” so he must seduce someone else’s “husband.” This game is full of fun and laughter. We also played Dodgeball. The members divided the members into two groups and distributed plastic bottles to the two groups. When the game begins, the members attack the other group with the bottles by aiming them at their feet and try to evade each other’s attacks. This game allows members to react faster in any situation. Finally, the committee members let the members write down their feeling and then sing the Drama Club song. The meeting’s goal was successfully accomplished and ended at 1:30pm.

I’m ‘stealing’ my friend’s wife 😉

Let’s dance to the musical chair !

I get to throw bottles at my friend !




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