26th April, 2018

Seventh meeting 2018


Today’s meeting was awesome! The members started the activities after completing the warm-up exercises. First of all, assigned the members to sit in the chair but only one person did not have an empty chair. The member who does not have a chair needs to go to the chair as soon as possible and sit down quickly. Those who are sitting must stop the person standing in the chair. This game is for members to develop a quick thinking skill. Then, the members finds a partner, one to sit and one to stand. The person sitting is called “wife” and the person standing is called “husband”. One member does not have a “wife” so he must seduce someone else’s “husband.” This game is full of fun and laughter. We also played Dodgeball. The members divided the members into two groups and distributed plastic bottles to the two groups. When the game begins, the members attack the other group with the bottles by aiming them at their feet and try to evade each other’s attacks. This game allows members to react faster in any situation. Finally, the committee members let the members write down their feeling and then sing the Drama Club song. The meeting’s goal was successfully accomplished and ended at 1:30pm.

I’m ‘stealing’ my friend’s wife 😉

Let’s dance to the musical chair !

I get to throw bottles at my friend !




Posted at 9:59 pm | Comment (0)

8th April, 2018

Sixth meeting 2018


Coming to the sixth meeting, today’s events are very intense and blood-curdlingly fun! First of all, the members did some warming up and form a large circle to demonstrate the method of playing the games. Let them come out one by one in a clockwise direction and use a line to interpret a word using only their hands and feet … interesting, isn’t it ?  This game is intended to train members in their understanding ability.

Next, the committee divided the members into two groups and played the same game at the same time. The committee lined up with two rows of chairs, and the members sat face to face in a chair. The member sitting on the far left begins to run. When he meets the other side on the way, he must rock the stone with the other side. The loser has to go back to the seat and change the person to run. The winner will continue to run to the middle chair to sit down. Some members also participate in the game to add excitement, and some will stand by to ensure the safety of members. This game is to cultivate a tacit understanding between members.

After singing the drama songs, this meeting ended at 1:30.

My turn to be teacher !


No pictures please

Rock, Paper, Scissors !

Aha ! Rock breaks paper !

Running the fashionable way

Posted at 9:17 pm | Comment (0)

8th April, 2018

Fifth meeting 2018

This meeting, the members are ready to start today’s activities under the watchful eye of the committee. The members are separated into several groups. Some people had to close their eyes. Some people had to put their hands behind them. Some people walked on one foot, and then let them go downstairs in this way to find hidden clues. The committee members are by their side to ensure their safety. This game is designed to allow members to learn to work with others even if they encounter difficulties. After the game is over, members made a group  circle sat down. The committee members placed a  paper in the middle of each group, allowing members to step into the paper for a specified period of time, and members were not allowed to put their feet outside the paper. This game allows members to learn to unite. The last game involves the committee shouting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.  1 = walk, 2 = run, 3 = squat, 4 = hop, 5 = stop. The members followed the directions given by the members. Those who did wrong has to do the hilarious chicken dance. After singing the Drama Club song, the meeting ended at 1:30.


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