31st March, 2019

Fourth meeting ( Rakan Seni 2019 )

Penang Performing Arts Centre, also known as Penang PAC, has once again organised a Rakan Seni camp to improve our acting skills. Our activity started off with our guidance teacher presenting a gift for our honorable guests on behalf of the drama club. It was real fun playing games given by the conductor from the Penang PAC board of committee. One of the game rules were the conductor gave you an alphabet, for example “A”, and you form a sentence like the following : “Ali sold apples at the airport.” If you couldn’t make up a sentence in time, you will be disqualified. I was overjoyed because I won the game by chance, lucky me ! We thewn watched a slide about Penang PAC’s location, facilities and classes provided. The goal of the camp was fufilled and we all went home contented that day.


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31st March, 2019

Third meeting 2019

I can’t believe it’s already the third meeting this year and we’re all on pins and needles to know what our special guest of the day looks like. He’s also a drama teacher and the scriptwriter for this year’s National Chinese Middle School Drama Competition. We read a few lines from the beginning script aloud and had a hilarious laugh-out-loud game that involves a few members forming a line lying down on their stomachs and pushing a player to the other side of the line like rolling logs. We improved our cooperative skills from this amazing game. The meeting ended at 1.30 after we sang our Drama Club song as usual.

The circle of concentration …


We are good lovable kids

Look to the right, look to the left …What did you spot ?


Ouch, I hear bone crunching !

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